I have been in some form or fashion of IT for over 18 years. I have focused on IT Security for the last 10 years. It has been a wild ride! I have experience with large global companies as well as small to medium business’s and home tech and security. My focus over the last few years has migrated to End Point Protection, Vulnerability and Risk Management, IT/IT Sec Policies and User Education. I thoroughly enjoy this stuff!!! I have deployed most of the major cyber security vendors tools as well as proof of concepts of many other next gen vendors in this space. I have experience with all aspects of infrastructure, networking, servers, pc’s, physical security, and Cyber Security/IT Security. I am ITIL Certified which has played a large role in my IT career over the last few years. The control and oversight that the ITIL framework provides is invaluable to an IT Department. I love all technology and have a passion for all things tech, home or business!!!

